Saturday, November 29, 2008

nov 29, 2008 - yikes

24hr snow = 4
base depth = 58
cumulative = 150
freezing level = 2500m
days riding = 0

five day forecast

day1 rain day2 rain day3 rain day4 0 day5 0

well, whistler opened on wednesday (nov 26), and blackomb on thursday, and i still haven't been up for a look. that should say all you need to know. burnsy reported the worst ice he's ever seen on upper franz, and anything not groomed is completely unrideable. we probably don't really have enough snow to open, but they are not going to keep the mountain closed. i'm not heading up until we get at least another 60cm, and that won't be any time soon

Thursday, November 6, 2008

nov 6, 2008 - hello, what's this

24hr snow = na
base depth = na
cumulative = na
freezing level = 1300m
days riding = 0

five day forecast

day1 10 day2 rain day3 rain day4 5-10 day5 5

woke up to the strangely familiar sound of metal scraping concrete this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see the first accumulation of snow in the valley this fall. i actually saw the first valley flakes two days ago, but this time it's sticking. the ploughs are on the road and winter is in the air. hard to believe another summer is already done.