Friday, April 4, 2008

apr 4, 2008

24hr snow = 0cm
base depth = 260cm
cumulative = 959cm
freezing level = 1500m
days riding = 61

five day forecast
day1 0-2 day2 2-5 day3 4-8 day4 0-2 day5 2-4

man, i've really been slacking with the posts lately, mainly because there's not a lot to report. the temps have been pretty cold actually, and there is a lot more snow in the valley than there was at this time last year. we've yet to receive any of those torrential rains that wash it all away.

i got the bike out for the first time yesterday and did some trails up around pemberton. anything south facing up there is completely bare and dry, but we did have to plough through some snowy areas. generally though the trails were in excellent condition and i didn't come out of it with any cuts or bruises, so i'd have to consider it a good start to the season.

my last day of mountain riding was on wednesday, and included a few terrain park laps with burnsy. not much softening going on, but the jumps are in excellent condition, as is the halfpipe. hadn't taken a spin in that thing in years, but it went OK. we also hit the wind lip in need to look a little harder for things to do right now.

yesterday morning's forecast was calling for cold heavy precip this weekend, but as has been the case lately, it was quickly downgraded to nothing much. either snow or melt already!

i'll try to keep the posting up for another month or so. my goal was to have this blog appear in the first page of a google search for whistler snow reports, but lately i've slipped to page 5. hey - it's not my fault it hasn't snowed in 2 months!

snow coverage: A
snow quality: C
run selection: C
crowds: A
visibility: A+
overall: C+

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