Monday, December 22, 2008

dec 22 - day 1

24hr snow = 5
base depth = 75
cumulative = 214
freezing level = valley
days riding = 1

five day forecast

day1 0 day2 0 day3 5 day4 5 day5 5-10

i finally found the time to start the season today. the conditions were about what i expected, and probably best referred to as "eastern". the base is primarily man-made snow, with a few soft turns to be found. but there are also very icy spots, ice chunky spots, and the always enjoyable experience of getting fake snow blasted into your face.
i called it a short day since i know there are no secret stashes up there. i would probably recommend blackomb due to the fact that they have much more alpine terrain open.

we are still desperately in need of a huge storm cycle. the 5cm here and there is not helping, and it seems like the forecasters have hit the xmas sauce early this year as the 5 day forecast is changing faster than a baby with the runs. at least the deep chill seems to be gone.

snow coverage: D
snow quality: C-
run selection: C-
crowds: B
visibility: A
overall: C-

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