Monday, March 24, 2008

mar 24, 2008

24hr snow = 24cm
base depth = 270cm
cumulative = 929cm
freezing level = 1000m
days riding = 57

five day forecast
day1 s10 day2 s5 day3 5-10 day4 2-5 day5 1-3

24cm + march break = ridiculous crowds. been too busy to put in anything more than a few runs lately, but any hope of hitting the alpine was shot down due to enormous lines. i'm sure there is some great snow to be found up there, heard it was pretty wind affected. i did a couple of mid and lower mountain laps, where the groomers were decent until about 200m from the valley where it turns to a sheet of ice.

snow coverage: A
snow quality: B-
run selection: C+
crowds: D
visibility: B
overall: C+

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