Saturday, February 16, 2008

jan 16, 2008

24hr snow = 10cm
base depth = 248cm
cumulative = 774cm
freezing level = valley
days riding = 44

five day forecast
day1 w 0 day2 w 0 day3 0 day4 0-2 day5 0-2

been a brutal work week so i can't relate any first hand experience since last sunday. we did get some new snow yesterday, but it's not going to amount to much and with the weekend crowds it will be shredded within minutes.
big change in the forecast as the freezing levels are going up to 2600m, and the alpine temps will be well above 0C - spring skiing in february. let's hope this is just a short spell, i'm not quite ready to pull out the bike just yet.
wonder what time people finally got in last night. could be a quiet morning due to a major accident north of squamish that had the highway shut down for hours. seems like every friday...

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