Friday, December 12, 2008

dec 12 - a little somepin

24hr snow = 8
base depth = 56
cumulative = 181
freezing level = valley
days riding = 0

five day forecast

day1 0-2 day2 0 day3 0 day4 0 day5 0

wow - there is actually some white stuff out there. if i had to wager a guess, i'd say saturday morning will probably be the best day so far, but that's not saying much. there is hardly any terrain open, and none of the good stuff. my buddy put it best when he said that opening day was a 2 out of 10, and last time he was up was about a 4 out of 10. 200% better than opening day, but still pretty crap.
now we've got a cold dry spell coming up - and we're talking freakin cold. -10 to -15 in the valley.

oh - and i just realized once and for all that the environment canada alpine forecast must actually be commissioned by the resort operators. last night they forecasted "ideal temperatures for snowmaking at all elevations". since when do weather forecasters care about snowmaking?!?

i'm holding out for another 40cm. maybe by xmas....

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