Thursday, December 25, 2008

dec 25 - the truth?

24hr snow = 9
base depth = 84
cumulative = 229
freezing level = valley
days riding = 2

five day forecast

day1 0-2 day2 sw 5-10 day3 15-25 day4 5 day5 10-20

i wish i could add a positive spin to's impossible. it's really bad out here. terrible. i can't remember a worse day in the past two seasons, and probably longer, but i can't remember anything beyond that.
we seriously have no base. nothing is open, and what is open is half ice and jam packed with tourists. things are pretty dismal at the moment. even with the snow in the forecast there is not near enough to be able to ride good terrain.
i know a week can change a lot and that is all we can hope for. we need a huge heavy dense dump to start filling in the massive craters everywhere. seriously - don't come here. sorry - that's just the truth. merry christmas.

snow coverage: F
snow quality: F
run selection: F (there's nothing to choose from!)
crowds: C-
visibility: A
overall: F

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